Yapeng Su

Research Scientist

Systems Immunology

Yapeng Su received his bachelor’s degree with the highest honor from Tianjin University. In his undergraduate studies, he first worked with Prof. Rongxin Su and Prof. Zhimin He, focusing on process engineering of lignocellulose pretreatment for biofuel production. In his junior year, he extended his research to synthetic biology and biomolecular design and engineering, supervised by Prof. Yingjin Yuan. His research work there, as part of the iGEM and BIOMOD international competitions held by MIT and Harvard University respectively were awarded two Gold Medals.

After undergraduate study, Yapeng was awarded the CEMI fellowship for graduate study at Caltech. Yapeng received his Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering at Caltech, with a minor in Systems Biology from Caltech. Supervised by Professors James R. Heath, David Baltimore, and Mark E. Davis, Yapeng’s Ph.D. research resided at the intersection of physical science, biotechnology, and systems biology with a particular focus on cancer. His research utilized systems biology approaches and various single-cell technologies to tackle one of the biggest problems in cancer: drug resistance.

Currently, Yapeng is a research scientist in Prof. Leroy Hood lab. In close collaboration with a group of world-leading immunologists (Prof. Mark M. Davis, Prof. Phil Greenberg, Prof. Raphael Gottardo, Prof. James R Heath, Prof. Jeff Bluestone, Prof. Lewis Lanier, Pro.f Alan Aderem), Yapeng’s research is utilizing data science, multi-omic bulk, and single-cell analysis to investigate the systems immunology of COVID-19.

Computational and Systems Biology, Cancer Biology, Immunology, Multi-omics analysis, Nanotechnology, Microfluidics, Single Cell Omics Analysis, Gene Regulation Networks, Information-Theoretic Analysis, Dynamics Systems Modeling, Bioinformatic analysis (Transcriptomic, Proteomic, Metabolic and Epigenomic data at bulk and single-cell level)

2020, Research Scientist, Hood Lab, Institute for Systems Biology.

Advisor: Prof. Leroy Hood

Area of studies: single-cell multi-omics, systems immunology, systems biology


2019, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology.

Thesis Advisors: Prof. James R. Heath, and Prof. David Baltimore.

Academic co-advisor: Prof. Mark E. Davis

Area of studies: single-cell analysis, systems and computational biology, cancer biology, gene regulation network.


2016, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology.

Thesis Advisor: Prof. James R. Heath.

Area of studies: bionanotechnology, microfluidic, single-cell proteomics


2013, B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, China.

Research Advisors: Prof. Yingjin Yuan, Prof. Rongxin Su, and Prof. Zhimin He.